Buy Aulonocara and Malawi at Vegas Valley Cichlids

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  • Albino OB Peacock Cichlid Albino OB Peacock Cichlid

    The Albino OB Peacock Cichlid is a hybrid variant of the Aulonocara genus, distinguished by its pale, albino coloration and distinctive Orange Blotch (OB) patterns. These eye-catching fish are highly...
    The Albino OB Peacock Cichlid is a hybrid variant of the Aulonocara genus, distinguished by its pale, albino coloration and distinctive Orange Blotch (OB) patterns. These eye-catching fish are highly...
  • Blueberry Ob Peacock Cichlid Blueberry Ob Peacock Cichlid

    The Blueberry OB Peacock Cichlid is a captivating hybrid from Lake Malawi's cichlid family, renowned for its vibrant blue hues and distinctive blotched patterns. This unique coloration results from selective...
    The Blueberry OB Peacock Cichlid is a captivating hybrid from Lake Malawi's cichlid family, renowned for its vibrant blue hues and distinctive blotched patterns. This unique coloration results from selective...
  • Fire Red Albino Dragon Blood Fire Red Albino Dragon Blood

    The Fire Red Albino Dragon Blood Peacock Cichlid is a selectively bred variant of the Aulonocara genus, renowned for its vibrant red coloration combined with the distinctive traits of albinism,...
    The Fire Red Albino Dragon Blood Peacock Cichlid is a selectively bred variant of the Aulonocara genus, renowned for its vibrant red coloration combined with the distinctive traits of albinism,...
  • Fire Red Dragon Blood Peacock Cichlid Fire Red Dragon Blood Peacock Cichlid

    The Fire Red Dragon Blood Peacock Cichlid is a vibrant and captivating freshwater fish, highly sought after by aquarium enthusiasts for its striking appearance and engaging behavior. Origin and Classification:...
    The Fire Red Dragon Blood Peacock Cichlid is a vibrant and captivating freshwater fish, highly sought after by aquarium enthusiasts for its striking appearance and engaging behavior. Origin and Classification:...
  • Nimbochromis OB Venustus Nimbochromis OB Venustus

    Scientific Name: Nimbochromis venustusPronunciation: nm-b-kr-ms v-ns-tsCommon Name(s): Giraffe Cichlid, KalingoGeo. Origin: Lake-wide distributionHabitat: Deep Intermediate HabitatsDiet: CarnivoreGender Differences: DimorphicBreeding: Maternal MouthbrooderTemperament: AggressiveConspecific Temperament: AggressiveMaximum Size: 10.5"Temperature: 78 - 82°FpH: 7.8...
    Scientific Name: Nimbochromis venustusPronunciation: nm-b-kr-ms v-ns-tsCommon Name(s): Giraffe Cichlid, KalingoGeo. Origin: Lake-wide distributionHabitat: Deep Intermediate HabitatsDiet: CarnivoreGender Differences: DimorphicBreeding: Maternal MouthbrooderTemperament: AggressiveConspecific Temperament: AggressiveMaximum Size: 10.5"Temperature: 78 - 82°FpH: 7.8...
    From $74.99
  • OB Azureus Cichlid OB Azureus Cichlid

    The OB Azureus Cichlid is a selectively bred variant of the Copadichromis azureus, a species native to Lake Malawi in East Africa. This hybrid is distinguished by its unique "OB"...
    The OB Azureus Cichlid is a selectively bred variant of the Copadichromis azureus, a species native to Lake Malawi in East Africa. This hybrid is distinguished by its unique "OB"...
  • OB Blue Gold Peacock OB Blue Gold Peacock

    The OB Blue Gold Peacock Cichlid is a captivating hybrid from Lake Malawi's cichlid family, renowned for its vibrant blue and gold coloration combined with distinctive blotched patterns. This unique...
    The OB Blue Gold Peacock Cichlid is a captivating hybrid from Lake Malawi's cichlid family, renowned for its vibrant blue and gold coloration combined with distinctive blotched patterns. This unique...
  • OB Insignus OB Insignus

    The OB Insignus Cichlid is a selectively bred hybrid, combining the distinctive "Orange Blotch" (OB) pattern with the characteristics of the Protomelas insignis, commonly known as the One-and-a-Half-Stripe Hap. This...
    The OB Insignus Cichlid is a selectively bred hybrid, combining the distinctive "Orange Blotch" (OB) pattern with the characteristics of the Protomelas insignis, commonly known as the One-and-a-Half-Stripe Hap. This...
  • OB Intermedius OB Intermedius

    The OB Intermedius is a hybrid cichlid resulting from the crossbreeding of the Tramitichromis intermedius, a species native to Lake Malawi, with other cichlid species to introduce the "OB" (Orange...
    The OB Intermedius is a hybrid cichlid resulting from the crossbreeding of the Tramitichromis intermedius, a species native to Lake Malawi, with other cichlid species to introduce the "OB" (Orange...
  • OB Kiwinge OB Kiwinge

    The Dimidiochromis kiwinge, commonly known as the Kiwinge Cichlid, is a distinctive species endemic to Lake Malawi and Lake Malombe in East Africa. Renowned for its elongated body and unique...
    The Dimidiochromis kiwinge, commonly known as the Kiwinge Cichlid, is a distinctive species endemic to Lake Malawi and Lake Malombe in East Africa. Renowned for its elongated body and unique...
  • OB Lwanda OB Lwanda

    OB Lwanda Peacock (Aulonocara sp. "Lwanda" OB) The OB Lwanda Peacock is a stunning cichlid species admired for its vibrant, multi-colored appearance. Native to the rocky shores of Lake Malawi,...
    OB Lwanda Peacock (Aulonocara sp. "Lwanda" OB) The OB Lwanda Peacock is a stunning cichlid species admired for its vibrant, multi-colored appearance. Native to the rocky shores of Lake Malawi,...
    From $79.99
  • OB Sulfur Head OB Sulfur Head

    The OB Sulfur Head Peacock Cichlid is a captivating hybrid variant of the Aulonocara maylandi, commonly known as the Sulfurhead Peacock. This hybrid is distinguished by its vibrant coloration and...
    The OB Sulfur Head Peacock Cichlid is a captivating hybrid variant of the Aulonocara maylandi, commonly known as the Sulfurhead Peacock. This hybrid is distinguished by its vibrant coloration and...
  • Platinum OB Platinum OB

    The Platinum OB Peacock Cichlid is a selectively bred variant of the Aulonocara genus, renowned for its distinctive "Orange Blotch" (OB) pattern combined with a unique metallic sheen. This hybrid...
    The Platinum OB Peacock Cichlid is a selectively bred variant of the Aulonocara genus, renowned for its distinctive "Orange Blotch" (OB) pattern combined with a unique metallic sheen. This hybrid...
  • Raspberry OB Peacock Cichlid Raspberry OB Peacock Cichlid

    The Raspberry OB Peacock Cichlid is a vibrant hybrid from the Aulonocara genus, renowned for its striking coloration and dynamic presence in aquariums. This hybrid showcases a captivating blend of...
    The Raspberry OB Peacock Cichlid is a vibrant hybrid from the Aulonocara genus, renowned for its striking coloration and dynamic presence in aquariums. This hybrid showcases a captivating blend of...
  • Red and Blue OB Peacock Cichlid Red and Blue OB Peacock Cichlid

    The Red and Blue OB Peacock Cichlid is a selectively bred hybrid from the Aulonocara genus, commonly known as Peacock Cichlids. This variant is distinguished by its vibrant red and...
    The Red and Blue OB Peacock Cichlid is a selectively bred hybrid from the Aulonocara genus, commonly known as Peacock Cichlids. This variant is distinguished by its vibrant red and...
  • Red OB Red OB

    The Red OB African Cichlid, commonly known as the OB Peacock Cichlid, is a vibrant and captivating freshwater fish that has become a favorite among aquarium enthusiasts. This hybrid species...
    The Red OB African Cichlid, commonly known as the OB Peacock Cichlid, is a vibrant and captivating freshwater fish that has become a favorite among aquarium enthusiasts. This hybrid species...
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