Buy Aulonocara and Malawi at Vegas Valley Cichlids

My name is Kennie Howard, and my journey with fishkeeping began in 1993 with my first aquarium filled with goldfish. From that moment, I couldn’t imagine life without fish tanks in my home. Fast forward to five years ago, I set up my first 75-gallon aquarium featuring African Cichlids. As... My name is Kennie Howard, and my journey with fishkeeping began in 1993 with my first aquarium filled with goldfish. From that moment, I couldn’t imagine life without fish tanks in my home. Fast forward to five years ago, I set up my first 75-gallon aquarium featuring African Cichlids. As...

By Kennie Howard Read more

Q: I just completed my order, what's next?A: Before shipment, we quarantine all fish for at least 24-48 hours. During this period, we closely monitor the fish to make sure they are healthy. We also do not feed them during this time in order to 'clean out' their digestive system... Q: I just completed my order, what's next?A: Before shipment, we quarantine all fish for at least 24-48 hours. During this period, we closely monitor the fish to make sure they are healthy. We also do not feed them during this time in order to 'clean out' their digestive system...

By Kennie Howard Read more

Ich (White Spot) - Ichthyophthirius (freshwater) Looks like salt sprinkled on the fish’s body and fins. Usually accompanied by twitching, flashing, and other signs of stress and irritation. Several parasites are grouped under this name, but the symptoms are almost identical. Ich is among the most common infections of fish, and is... Ich (White Spot) - Ichthyophthirius (freshwater) Looks like salt sprinkled on the fish’s body and fins. Usually accompanied by twitching, flashing, and other signs of stress and irritation. Several parasites are grouped under this name, but the symptoms are almost identical. Ich is among the most common infections of fish, and is...

By Kennie Howard Read more
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